Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Marijuana Policy Project Or Mpp For Short Essay

The Marijuana Policy Project or MPP for short is a special interest group that is solely concerned with the legalization, decriminalization, and regulations of marijuana. Before Marijuana Policy Project was created by Rob Kampia, Chuck Thomas, and Mike Kirshner, they worked for another organization called National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws or NORML for short. The cofounders had trouble with NORML, constantly bickering with their superiors over how they could be more proactive. (MPP)They were eventually fired by the president of NORML and the three of them decided to branch off and make their own interest group. The Marijuana Policy Project was founded in January of 1995 with the sole purpose of ending marijuana prohibition and freeing those arrest for marijuana possession. The group quickly grew to be one of the largest marijuana policy reform group in the United States and the District of Columbia. Marijuana Policy Project has over 32,000 dues-paying members with 30 employees that includes two full time lobbyist. (Wikipedia) The MPP has a total revenue of $1,658,903 with 68% of that going towards program expenses and 7% going towards administrative expenses. (Charity Navigator) The Marijuana Policy Project is not only trying to make marijuana legal in a state level but they are also trying to help in other ways as well. Their vision is â€Å"a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Survey of Marijuna Usage at Texas Christian University561 Words   |  3 PagesMarijuana usage when discussed brings about debate and division no matter the forum. This is a topic that many individuals feel either one or the other about. Very few feelings can be described as â€Å"Middle of the Road†. As students at Texas Christian University we felt that in the time we were in attendance no one had tried to measure how students felt and view Marijuana. This information could be used by organizations such as NORML; it could help them decide whether or not pursuing a NORML chapterRead More Positive Aspects of Medical Marijuana Essay2049 Words   |  9 Pages Marijuana i s the common name for a drug comprised of the leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa, which can be smoked or eaten for unique feelings. The active ingredient of marijuana, known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is concentrated in the flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant. In the USA, the legality of marijuana, found to be medically useful by some, has been a controversial topic for decades (Nahas 1). Today, the 5,000-year medical history of cannabis

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